Our Blogs

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4 Ways How Yoga Helps Boost Immunity and Help Fight Covid-19

Since Covid-19 directly affects the lungs, doctors and fitness experts emphasize the strengthening of the lungs. Research reveals that at any instance, more than 200 different viruses can potentially infect human bodies. Humans are prone to coughs, colds, stomach aches, and various other ailments in their hectic daily lives. Thus, as per the new Journal of Behavioral Medicine...

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5 Easy Ways to Include Yoga in Today's Lifestyle

In today's competitive and challenging environment, mental and physical issues such as anxiety, memory loss, fatigue, and chronic ailments are common among working professionals. These issues, if left unattended, lead to acute lifestyle crises. A little introspection and discipline with Yoga can lead you to happy, healthy life and balanced state of mind. Yoga is a therapeutic...

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