4 Ways How Yoga Helps Boost Immunity and Help Fight Covid-19

Since Covid-19 directly affects the lungs, doctors and fitness experts emphasize the strengthening of the lungs. Research reveals that at any instance, more than 200 different viruses can potentially infect human bodies. Humans are prone to coughs, colds, stomach aches, and various other ailments in their hectic daily lives. Thus, as per the new Journal of Behavioral Medicine report, Yoga help improves the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. The research report further italicizes that those with mild to moderate infections can find relief with simple Yoga techniques.

Though antibiotics and other medications may contribute to the recovery of an ill person's body, medicine, instead, fails to strengthen the body's immune system. This limitation brings in Yoga to help! Yoga is the most potent and time-proven natural immunity boosters that can help you live a safe, disease-free life.

It is a comprehensive set of activities that improves both your physical and microscopic structures, which are intangible. The disciplined approach enhances the body's natural defense mechanisms. One can yield the immune-boosting benefits of Yoga by following a to-do yoga routine.

These four Asanas that help in boosting Immunity bestow incredible benefits as a blessing:

1. Prone Shavasana

Prone Shavasana is a prone yoga pose. It is a variation of doing Shavasana where a person has to lay down on his/ her abdomen instead of the back.

Lying down on your abdomen and chest has much significance as it increases the oxygen supply to the lungs effortlessly. It also releases back pain and gives immense rest and passivity to the mind as the forehead is resting and supported.

Since covid attacks, the lungs and chest cavity so Prone Shavasana can improve the breathing capacity and lung function.

2. Adho Mukha Virasana

It is a passive forward bending asana that relaxes the brain and the nervous system. It helps in lowering the blood pressure and softens the chest muscles. If done with the support, it increases the oxygen level in the body. It also helps in relieving back pain and helps indigestion.

3. Adho Mukha Swastikasana

Adho Mukha Swastikasana is a simple sitting forward bending asana again helpful for strengthening the function of the respiratory system. It is widely regarded as stress and anger-relieving pose that's often helpful to people who suffer from mood swings. It also contributes to the improvement of blood circulation and the relief of premenstrual stress symptoms. Some practitioners claim that it relieves headaches as well as nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness symptoms.

During Covid times it is highly recommended to practice this regularly to boost your immune system.

4. Pawana Muktasana

This Asana once again improves the function of respiratory organs and helps in increasing the oxygen level in the body. It should be done with proper support for the frontal trunk and forehead. It also releases back pain and reduces stress, anxiety and blood pressure during these challenging times of Pandemic.

Comprehensive Benefits of the Yogic Asanas are as follows:

Negates Stress

When cold-causing viruses infiltrate the nasal passages, psychological stress doubles a person's chances of catching a cold. Yoga reduces stress hormones and calms the nervous system, all of which are detrimental to our immune system.

If you're nervous, the hormone cortisol stays in your bloodstream for a long time, causing inflammation and building up resistance in your body. Yoga strengthens the nervous system and decreases stress hormones. It stimulates the respiratory system, which aids in the removal of toxins from the body.

Yoga will assist you in relaxing and sleeping better, all of which are beneficial to your overall wellbeing. Sound sleep is one of the most critical aspects of recovery and helps in maintaining a proper immune system.

The immune system can be told to calm down and avoid resisting foreign bodies by relaxing the nervous system, customarily washed out by sneezing once or twice a day. Inflammation and mucus decrease as the immune system settles and symptoms fade.

Respiratory System

Bacteria attack the upper respiratory tract, causing congestion, coughing, and a sore throat that causes Infections. Bacteria may enter the lungs and cause bronchitis or pneumonia if the immune system is weak.

Yoga is one of the most versatile methods for keeping our respiratory system safe. Breathing technique and Asana (posture) help boost our lungs' mechanical performance by conditioning the repertory tract, which increases the elasticity and strength of the entire lung. This, in fact, aids in the prevention of infection.

Proper Functioning of Organs

In the 9 to 5 culture, most professionals pursue desk jobs where they sit at a desk the entire day, restricting blood flow to their vital organs. This can lead to blockages and accumulation of fluids, toxins, and mucus that initiates breakdowns in the body and its systems. Different organs and glands are placed in various anatomical positions, and Yogasanas supplies fresh blood, gently massage, relax, tone, and stimulate these organs. It regulates the increase of oxygen levels in the blood to different organs for optimal function.

Relieves Muscle and Joints Stiffness

Asanas can help to lubricate our joints with synovial fluid while strengthening our muscles when the outside air causes dry skin, sore joints, and a chill in our bones. You'll find that having a healthy, concentrated, and revitalized immune system allows you to avoid common illnesses and effectively combat infections.


Sleep deprivation, insufficient nutrition, and life stress all lead to a weakened immune system and an increased risk of illness. Stress wreaks havoc on the body's ability to defend itself against bacteria and viruses rather than anything else.

We can reduce the risk of illnesses by practicing good hygiene and eating a balanced diet, but we don't have to stop there. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including consuming organic, nutritious foods, keeping a daily yoga and meditation regimen, having plenty of sleep, and avoiding stressors, can lead to a healthy, disease-free body.

By raising your immune system, reducing stress, and improving your body's functions and structures, one combat infections as lethal as COVID -19.